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For the Cleansing of Nasal passages according to the traditional practice of Neti. Ancient Secrets Nasal Cleansing Pot is the ideal answer for cleansing nasal passages. You need only follow the simple directions inside to prepare the saline solution used to rinse through your nostrils. The gentle and effective technique of nasal irrigation is widely recommended by health practitioners worldwide as a wonderful way to improve your overall feeling of well-being and maintain radiant, vibrant health. Many people practice Neti on a daily basis to keep their sinuses clean and improve their ability to breathe freely. Most find it a soothing and pleasant practice once they try it. The practice of nasal irrigation, known as Neti, has been used by practitioners of Yoga and Ayurveda in India for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Neti is one of the six purification techniques undertaken prior to the practice of yoga to help prepare the body. It is referred to in the original yogic texts known as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita. It is described at some length in the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnu Devananda, published in the USA as early as 1960. Some yogic teachers consider it valuable in cleansing the energy channels and balancing the right and left hemispheres to create radiant, energetic health and wellness, which is the foundation upon which true yogic practice can come to fruition. While there are advanced techniques using various herbs and herbal oils, the simplest technique, known as jala neti uses water (jala) for the cleansing process. Lukewarm water is used to gently open up the nasal passages. Use of a neti pot or vessel is recommended to ease this process. Advanced practitioners may use this pot also for the herbal or oil administration (referred to as nasya) as well. Useful for removing dirt, pollen, excess mucous, and other irritants. Soothing and moistening to dried out nasal passages. Traditionally used as a purification exercise for the practice of yoga. Easy Usage Instructions If you are suffering from any disease or illness, please be sure to consult your health care practitioner.
If you are one of the many people who find that your nasal passages are blocked as a result of the effects of pollution, dust, pollen and other irritants, you may find this simple cleansing technique of invaluable benefit to you.
(see complete guidelines inside package):
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